Jim Thornton | GMC# 2384207

  • University of Nottingham
  • Professor of obstetrics and gynaecolgy

Archived Declarations

Nov. 30, 2018

Fees directly received from other medical companies

Company Reason for receipt of fees Total amount received
Swedish Research Council Chair Clinical Therapy Board £2000 - £5000

Feb. 24, 2017

Other sources of income or benefits from other organisations relevant to medical practice

Company Reason for receipt of fees Total amount received
Swedish Research Council (Svenska Forskningsråd) Chair Clinical Therapy Research Board £2000 - £5000

Dec. 2, 2015

Benefits received from pharmaceutical companies

Company Reason for receipt of fees Total amount received
Ferring Pharmaceuticals Lecture fees, and advisory board member 2010-2015 £5000 - £10000
Takeda Advisory board re injectable iron preparations £100- £1000
Danone Nutrica Lecture fees £1000- £2000

Other sources of income or benefits from other organisations relevant to medical practice

Company Reason for receipt of fees Total amount received
Elsevier Editor of European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, and of the Obstetrics Resource Centre website £5000 - £10000

Other Declarations

I give medico-legal opinions in about 10 birth injury clinical negligence cases each year. About 1/3 of these are on behalf of the claimant (the damaged patient) and about 2/3 on behalf of the defence (doctor, NHS trust, or NHS litigation Authority). My fees from this work amount to between £5 and £10K per annum.