Stuart Sutton | GMC# 6134993

  • Tollgate Medical Centre
  • GP partner and CCG Board Member

Archived Declarations

Oct. 9, 2014

Benefits received from pharmaceutical companies

Company Reason for receipt of fees Total amount received
Various pharmaceutical companies (can't recall company or drugs they promote - probably a good sign!) Many CCG locality meetings have a lunch provided by drugs reps (I personally would prefer that this was not done). I endeavour to bring my own lunch but on very rare occasions I have eaten a sandwich. under £100

Fees directly received from other medical companies

Company Reason for receipt of fees Total amount received
Newham CCG GP Board Member (responsibility for education) and Cluster Lead, Newham CCG - 3 sessions per week £10000 - £50 000
Newham LMC (Local Medical Committee) LMC Board Member £100- £1000