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Co-Chair BSACP - unremunerated/voluntary position
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Co-Chair British Society of Abortion Care Providers BSACP 2020 - ongoing - unremunerated/voluntary position Past Vice President Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) 2014-2019 - this was an unremunerated/voluntary position and during that time I was also a Trustee of FSRH. I am sometimes asked to be spokesperson for FSRH on issues relating to abortion care.
Attended a UK one-day conference in 2024 "Expert Removers Meeting". This is an annual meeting for clinicians dealing with complex removal of contraceptive implants and is supported through an educational grant from Organon Pharma (UK) Limited
I am a member of the following campaigning organisations; 1. Doctors for Choice UK - “a group of UK based doctors and medical students committed to comprehensive, evidence-based reproductive healthcare who campaign for the decriminalisation of abortion in the UK” I am also a clinician rep for the Committee 2. Humanists UK a registered charity no. 285987
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Past 2014-2019 Vice President Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) - unremunerated/voluntary position and during that time I was also a Trustee of FSRH Ongoing Founding member 2015 of the British Society of Abortion Care Providers BSACP 2020 - ongoing Co-Chair BSACP - unremunerated/voluntary position
Attended half-day conference Jan 2023 (and in previous years) - Expert Removers Meeting. This is an annual meeting for clinicians dealing with complex removal of contraceptive implants and is supported through an educational grant from Organon Pharma (UK) Limited
I am a member of the following campaigning organisations 1. Doctors for Choice UK - “a group of UK based doctors and medical students committed to comprehensive, evidence-based reproductive healthcare who campaign for the decriminalisation of abortion in the UK” I am also a clinician rep for the Committee 2. Humanists UK a registered charity no. 285987
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No consultancy work (paid or unpaid)
No research grants
Past 2014-2019 Vice President Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) - unremunerated/voluntary position and during that time I was also a Trustee of FSRH Ongoing Founding member 2015 of the British Society of Abortion Care Providers BSACP 2020 - ongoing Co-Chair BSACP - unremunerated/voluntary position
No patents/No company ownership
Attended one-day conference November 2019 (and in previous years) - Expert Removers Meeting. This is an annual meeting for clinicians dealing with complex removal of contraceptive implants and is supported thorugh an educational grant from Merck Sharp & Dohme Ltd.
I am a member of the following campaigning organisations 1. Doctors for Choice UK - “a group of UK based doctors and medical students committed to comprehensive, evidence-based reproductive healthcare who campaign for the decriminalisation of abortion in the UK” 2. Humanists UK a registered charity no. 285987
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Something wrong with this declaration? Contact to let them know.